When you start your day, the last thing on your mind is that something will happen to hurt you or a member of your family. Unfortunately, there is no way for you to predict what will happen on the roadway, especially when someone has been drinking and driving.

Accidents with an impaired driver are often severe. Do you know what to do if you or a loved one are injured in a drunk driving incident?

If you need a Bristol DUI Accident Attorney, you can count on the team at The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. to be by your side, fighting to secure the compensation you deserve.

Sobering Statistics for PA

We all know how dangerous drinking and driving is, but we want to give you some numbers from the latest report from the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. In 2017, there were 10,346 alcohol-related crashes in the state.

We want to dig a little bit further into these numbers.

Alcohol-related fatalities represented 26 percent of all traffic fatalities last year, killing 293 people and injuring nearly 5,000 others. Crashes involving alcohol are Four Times More Likely to Result in a Fatal Injury than other crashes.

These accidents can lead to severe injuries. It is not uncommon for a victim to sustain the following:

  • Spinal Cord Injuries, including partial or total paralysis.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries can leave a person disabled.
  • Severe internal organ damage that requires surgery to repair.
  • Broken or dislocated bones.
  • Severe lacerations or even amputations.

All of these injuries have the potential to cause long-term damage and can become incredibly costly. Did you know that the first-year medical costs for a spinal cord injury can reach over $1 million?

Will your insurance cover all of these expenses?

If your injuries keep you from working, will you be able to support yourself or your family?

Liability in a PA DUI Case

Dui Accident Lawyer Bristol There is also a possibility to hold third parties responsible for DUI accidents. State law prohibits bartenders and servers from continuing to provide alcohol to a person who is visibly intoxicated. Doing so is negligent and irresponsible.

You can also hold third parties responsible if they sold alcohol to a person who is under 21 that caused a DUI accident.

It is a good idea to seek an attorney’s advice about dram shop and liquor law cases.

What You Can Do

Getting into an accident with a drunk driver can be scary, especially if there are injuries involved. If you or a loved one have been injured in a Drunk Driving Incident, the team at The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C. is ready to help.

We will work to secure the compensation you need for all of your accident-related expenses. This can include:

  • Accident-related medical expenses
  • Lost income for time away from work
  • Punitive damages against the driver
  • Pain and suffering damages

When you need a Bristol DUI Accident Attorney, you can contact us for a Free Consultation by Clicking Here or calling (215)-799-9990